
Back Powering the Pi via the J8 GPIO Header

J8 GPIO ピンヘッダを経由した電源の供給について

It is possible to power the Pi by supplying 5V through the GPIO header pins 2,4 and GND.
Raspberry PiのGPIOピンヘッダの5Vピン(2,4番ピン)とGNDピン(6, 9, 14番ピン等)経由で5Vを供給することができます。

The acceptable input voltage range is 5V ±5%.
受け付けられる電圧レンジは5V ±5%です。

On the B+ Pi, the 5V GPIO header pins connect to the 5V net after the micro-USB input, polyfuse and input 'ideal' safety diode made up of the PFET and matched PNP transistors.
B+ Piでは、5V GPIOピンヘッダの5VはMicroUSBからの入力、ポリヒューズ、P型FETとマッチするPNPトランジスタで作られた「'理想'安全ダイオード」の後ろに接続されています。

The 'safety' diode stops any appreciable current flowing back out of the 5V micro USB should the 5V net on the board be at a higher voltage than the 5V micro USB input.

If the add-on board uses any more GPIO connector pins than the first 26 (i.e. is designed for a B+) and provides back-powering via the 5V GPIO header pins it is required to: もしアドオンボードが例えばB+用などで26pin以上のGPIOピンを使っていて、5V GPIOピンからPiに電源を供給するときに必要な条件は以下の通り

  1. Implement a duplicate power safety diode before the HAT 5V net (which then feeds power back through the 5V GPIO pins) as shown in this diagram.

図で示すように、HATの5Vラインの手前に(5V GPIOピンに電流が流れるように)安全ダイオードを入れてください。

Alternatively provide some other mechanism to guarantee that it is safe if both the Pi PSU and add-on board PSU are connected.

It is still recommended to add this circuitry for new board designs that only implement the first 26 pins of the GPIO header but that also implement back powering.
新規の基板デザインだったとしても、Raspberry Pi Model A/Bの26pinのGPIOだけを使った電源供給を実装することをまだお勧めします。

  1. Make sure that the supply that does the back-powering can supply 5V at a minimum of 1.3A to the Pi at all times (but recommended to support 2A).


Under no circumstances should a power source be connected to the J8 3.3V pins.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Oct 16, 2014 8:27:51 PM
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